Monday, September 16, 2013

Our Weekend Visit

Sami's Shenanigans

Happy Monday everyone! I'm linking up once again for Weekend Shenanigans with Sami

So you know that quiet, empty feeling you have when company leaves? Yeah, that's happening right now in our house. You see, my parents just left to drive back to North Carolina after a wonderful long visit this past weekend. 

Although it wasn't too eventful (both Friday and Sunday were kind of nasty out), it's always nice to spend time together, even if it's just hanging out at home. Friday night involved a little grocery shopping in preparation for the weekend, lot's of catching up, and dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Saturday was gorgeous, so we spent the day at Cedar Point; it was my parent's first time going, and I really think they enjoyed themselves. Of course, they loved seeing Tinley have so much fun too. That evening, we grilled out and just relaxed at home. Sunday we had lunch out, watched football, and worked on T's Halloween costume (my step-mom is super crafty, and made it! I can't wait to show it off!). Sunday night, we had dinner at home again, watched Miss America while having our own draft (Miss Oklahoma and Miss Kansas were totally robbed!), and made some delicious chocolate and peanut butter brownies. I think I'll go have one right now....

They got on the road bright and early this morning, so as I said, it's quiet and empty today. Tinley got really upset when they left; the first time she's done that when grandparents have left. I think she's starting to understand things a lot more. But, they'll be back soon and at least we have Facetime. Thank goodness for Technology!

I didn't take too many pics over the weekend, except while we were at CP, so here are a few...

T LOVED the cotton candy

T & Da on the Monster Trucks

T & Da on the Whilrlybirds

In front of the fountain

At the entrance

Group shot

On the antique cars

On the choo-choo


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